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3 points by profquail 5599 days ago | link | parent | on: IP Source Domain Bug

Thanks for your detective work fallintothis!


Did anyone notice that the domain for the link isn't parsed properly? If the link is just to an IP address and not a domain, it should print the entire IP address...but it just printed "16.192:8080".


2 points by fallintothis 5607 days ago | link

The offending code from news.arc:

  (def parse-site (url)
    (rev (tokens (cadr (tokens url [in _ #\/ #\?])) #\.)))

  (defmemo sitename (url)
    (and (valid-url url)
         (let toks (parse-site (rem #\space url))
           (if (isa (saferead (car toks)) 'int)
               (tostring (prall toks "" "."))
               (let (t1 t2 t3 . rest) toks  
                 (if (and (~in t3 nil "www")
                          (or (mem t1 multi-tld-countries*) 
                              (mem t2 long-domains*)))
                     (+ t3 "." t2 "." t1)
                     (and t2 (+ t2 "." t1))))))))
The isa test is thrown off by the port number

  arc> (parse-site "")
  ("192:8080" "16" "60" "99")
  arc> (isa (saferead "192:8080") 'int)
which leads down the first else-clause of sitename, where

  arc> (and (~in t3 nil "www")
            (or (mem t1 multi-tld-countries*)
                (mem t2 long-domains*)))
leads to

  arc> (and t2 (+ t2 "." t1))


2 points by pg 5598 days ago | link

thanks, fixed
