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1 point by fallintothis 5609 days ago | link | parent

For instance, here's a (pretty direct) port of the SBCL nbody benchmark (

  (= pi             (* 4 (atan 1))
     days-per-year* 365.24d0
     solar-mass*    (* 4d0 pi pi))

  (def make-body (x y z vx vy vz mass)
    (obj x x y y z z vx vx vy vy vz vz mass mass))

  (= jupiter* (make-body 4.84143144246472090d0
                         (* 1.66007664274403694d-3 days-per-year*)
                         (* 7.69901118419740425d-3 days-per-year*)
                         (* -6.90460016972063023d-5  days-per-year*)
                         (* 9.54791938424326609d-4 solar-mass*)))

  (= saturn* (make-body 8.34336671824457987d0
                        (* -2.76742510726862411d-3 days-per-year*)
                        (* 4.99852801234917238d-3 days-per-year*)
                        (* 2.30417297573763929d-5 days-per-year*)
                        (* 2.85885980666130812d-4 solar-mass*)))

  (= uranus* (make-body 1.28943695621391310d1
                        (* 2.96460137564761618d-03 days-per-year*)
                        (* 2.37847173959480950d-03 days-per-year*)
                        (* -2.96589568540237556d-05 days-per-year*)
                        (* 4.36624404335156298d-05 solar-mass*)))

  (= neptune* (make-body 1.53796971148509165d+01
                         (* 2.68067772490389322d-03 days-per-year*)
                         (* 1.62824170038242295d-03 days-per-year*)
                         (* -9.51592254519715870d-05 days-per-year*)
                         (* 5.15138902046611451d-05 solar-mass*)))

  (= sun* (make-body 0.0d0 0.0d0 0.0d0 0.0d0 0.0d0 0.0d0 solar-mass*))

  (def apply-forces (a b dt)
    (withs (dx    (- (a 'x) (b 'x))
            dy    (- (a 'y) (b 'y))
            dz    (- (a 'z) (b 'z))
            d     (sqrt (+ (expt dx 2) (expt dy 2) (expt dz 2)))
            mag   (/ dt (expt d 3))
            dxmag (* dx mag)
            dymag (* dy mag)
            dzmag (* dz mag))
      (-- (a 'vx) (* dxmag (b 'mass)))
      (-- (a 'vy) (* dymag (b 'mass)))
      (-- (a 'vz) (* dzmag (b 'mass)))
      (++ (b 'vx) (* dxmag (a 'mass)))
      (++ (b 'vy) (* dymag (a 'mass)))
      (++ (b 'vz) (* dzmag (a 'mass)))))

  (def advance (solar-system dt)
    (on a solar-system
      (for i (+ index 1) (- (len solar-system) 1)
        (apply-forces a (solar-system i) dt)))
    (each b solar-system
      (++ (b 'x) (* dt (b 'vx)))
      (++ (b 'y) (* dt (b 'vy)))
      (++ (b 'z) (* dt (b 'vz)))))

  (def energy (solar-system)
    (let e 0.0d0
      (on a solar-system
        (++ e (* 0.5d0
                 (a 'mass)
                 (+ (expt (a 'vx) 2)
                    (expt (a 'vy) 2)
                    (expt (a 'vz) 2))))
        (for i (+ index 1) (- (len solar-system) 1)
          (withs (b  (solar-system i)
                  dx (- (a 'x) (b 'x))
                  dy (- (a 'y) (b 'y))
                  dz (- (a 'z) (b 'z))
                  d  (sqrt (+ (expt dx 2) (expt dy 2) (expt dz 2))))
            (-- e (/ (* (a 'mass) (b 'mass)) d)))))

  (def offset-momentum (solar-system)
    (with (px 0.0d0
           py 0.0d0
           pz 0.0d0)
      (each p solar-system
        (++ px (* (p 'vx) (p 'mass)))
        (++ py (* (p 'vy) (p 'mass)))
        (++ pz (* (p 'vz) (p 'mass))))
      (= ((car solar-system) 'vx) (/ (- px) solar-mass*)
         ((car solar-system) 'vy) (/ (- py) solar-mass*)
         ((car solar-system) 'vz) (/ (- pz) solar-mass*))))

  (def nbody (n)
    (let solar-system (list sun* jupiter* saturn* uranus* neptune*)
      (offset-momentum solar-system)
      (prn (energy solar-system))
      (repeat n (advance solar-system 0.01d0))
      (prn (energy solar-system))
I didn't have the patience to wait for Arc to finish the benchmark's n = 50,000,000 (gives you an idea of how well it performs!), but on smaller values it seems correct.

  arc> (load "nbody.arc")
  arc> (time (nbody 50000))
  time: 30905 msec.
The reference implementation, run from a GNU clisp REPL (though I suppose I should use SBCL for a fairer time comparison, I'm just interested in the accuracy of the Arc results with this run):

  > (time (nbody 50000))
  Real time: 37.575706 sec.
  Run time: 32.862053 sec.
  Space: 374412048 Bytes
  GC: 477, GC time: 1.836092 sec.