It would be nice if [] could act as a currying function if _ isn't present. For instance: (map [+ 10 _] '(1 2 3)) could be rewritten as: (map [+ 10] '(1 2 3)) Or, taken directly from the tutorial: arc> (trues [if (odd _) (+ _ 10)] '(1 2 3 4 5)) could be rewritten as: (trues [if [odd] [+ 10]] '(1 2 3 4 5)) which is arguably simpler and clearer. And by the way, _ could also be usable as before such as: (filter [> _ 10] (range 1 100)). And last thing, I know it won't change but, I'd much more prefer x than _ as [] variable. I know _ has been a long time place-holder, but in maths, x is practically always used as temporary variable. i.e. I like way better: [> x 2] than [> _ 2]. :) |