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2 points by rocketnia 5319 days ago | link | parent

Defining macros during macro-expansion strikes me as being a bit error-prone, and here's one concern:

  (afor i 0 10
    (afor j 0 10
I'm pretty sure the second (continue) form is expanded after the inner (afor ...) form is expanded, so that it tries to continue the wrong loop, but ends up referring to an unbound variable instead.

I recommend sticking to an anaphoric variable that has no macro wrapping it, sort of like this:

  (mac aloop (start test update . body)
    (w/uniq (gfn gparm)
      `(do ,start
           ((rfn ,gfn (,gparm) 
              (if ,gparm
                  (let continue (fn () ,update (,gfn ,test))

1 point by evanrmurphy 5319 days ago | link

I'm pretty sure the second (continue) form is expanded after the inner (afor ...) form is expanded, so that it tries to continue the wrong loop, but ends up referring to an unbound variable instead.

Very good point, I hadn't tried to nest them before.

I will try your aloop definition when I get the chance.
