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2 points by shader 5151 days ago | link | parent

Yeah, I've noticed that a lot of arc ideas have been posted as code in comments, instead of linked to on a source control site. This makes it so that the code is more likely to get lost, and harder to use in the first place.

To be honest, this is what I think people should be using the 'lib section of Anarki for; posting code that they think is useful. That way it's available for anyone that wants it. If you post code on the forum, post it somewhere else so that people can find it again.

Maybe people don't like using Anarki for that purpose, either because they're worried about dirtying the codebase, or because they just don't like using git. In that case, maybe we should make a server for arc hacks? Like an HN style arc-app that allows submission of code and comments, but with a search engine and an API for pulling code remotely. Thoughts? Maybe this should me moved to another thread.

1 point by evanrmurphy 5151 days ago | link

> maybe we should make a server for arc hacks? Like an HN style arc-app that allows submission of code and comments, but with a search engine and an API for pulling code remotely. Thoughts? Maybe this should me moved to another thread.

Maybe aw's idea for a new code site could fill this role. Have you seen that recent thread? ->


1 point by shader 5151 days ago | link

Possibly. At the time I wrote that I hadn't seen that yet, though I had seen previous ideas about an example system, etc.

Certainly, the ideas are related. I suppose any discussion should be on the other thread ;)
