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1 point by sacado 6165 days ago | link | parent

hmm, interesting. I'm not really fond of refcounting. It makes FFI or C extensions really hard. That's what I don't like with Python's FFI. You always have to think : "do I have to increment the refcount ? decrement it ? Leace it alone ?" If you don't do it well, you have random bugs. The sad story is that Python makes C programming harder than it already is.

On the opposite, palying with mzscheme's or Lua's FFI is a real pleasure : you don't have to bother with GC. You even have (sometimes) your malloced object collected for you.

But if we can cetnralize the refcount operations in a single (or a very small number) of places, I'm OK... Their talking about stack_push / stack_pop is rather inspiring...

For information : On a GC-relativey-intensive program (mainly calculating (fib 40), which generates a lot of garbage), and with a heap of 50 million possible references, for a total time of 228000 ms, i got the following GC info :

  total time : 177ms, nb cycles : 17, max time : 42ms, avg time : 10 ms
That's far from perfect, of course, but it doesn't look so bad to me.

Btw, doctstrings are a real performance killer : they are useless, but are allocated on the heap and fill it up really quick (ah, recursive functions...). We should add something in the code removing immediate values in functions.

3 points by almkglor 6165 days ago | link

> Btw, doctstrings are a real performance killer : they are useless, but are allocated on the heap and fill it up really quick (ah, recursive functions...). We should add something in the code removing immediate values in functions.

Really? You've tried it? Because docstrings are supposed to be removed by the unused global removal step.

Edit: I just did. This is a bug.

Edit2: Fixed and on the git.


1 point by stefano 6165 days ago | link

> Btw, doctstrings are a real performance killer : they are useless, but are allocated on the heap and fill it up really quick (ah, recursive functions...

Are you saying that you alloc a docstring at every function call?


1 point by sacado 6165 days ago | link

Well, for the moment, yes. Every object appearing in the program has to be allocated (it's not an optimizing compiler yet). Useless objects are not detected, so every time the compiler sees a string, it generates code to allocate it, and it is freed on the next GC cycle. Every time, you call the function, that code is executed. Well, that's an easy optimisation, so I'll work on it very soon I guess.


1 point by stefano 6165 days ago | link

Yes, it's not difficult. You just have to find all constant values, create a global var for each constant, assign the const value to the global var and substitute the occurence of the constant with the global var name.
